What depict you as an alcoholic?
regular consumption of alcohol with gradual increase in its quantity every time
can be considered as alcoholism. If you are an alcoholic, please understand you
have lost the power to control yourself when alcohol is being served anywhere,
kept at home or in your car. You get angry whenever asked to give up drinking
habit. Though you know, understand and seen its harmful effects but you have
ignored all the time. At many occasions you have not asked anyone to accompany
with you while drinking, because your brain is completely hijacked by your
drinking habit. At the time of drinking you really do not liked to be asked by
anyone – reason behind drinking today. Most of the time you forget the
limitation and every time you try to increase the quantity for better
experience. Also you do not want to understand what will happen once you are
completely drunk. Though you have met accidents, lost your family, lost your
job and failed in achieving something good for your future but ignoring
everything you will drink again just because of this alcohol and your
powerlessness to quit.
becoming an alcoholic, a normal person becomes an abnormal man or woman – no
happiness, no future, no job, no healthy life, no respect, no name, no value
and no engagement with none. An alcoholic ruins his happy life with his own
hand. It is also found that an alcoholic starts disrespecting their elders and
younger to prove himself always right. Treatment of alcohol addiction is
available at affordable prices but the treatment of cancer and treatment of
heart, liver, kidney and lungs diseases cannot be afforded by everyone because
the medicines and therapies are too expensive. So, recovery is tough but regret
will be painful always.
Author: Mr Rajan Tiwari
Date: 17 Dec 2020